- Introduction
- Factors that Influence Well-Being
- Sleep
- Stress Management
- Sexuality
- Eliminating Toxins
- Coach's Tips
Well-being is a very broad field: feeling good depends solely on our brain, but it also depends on the proper functioning of our body. Well-being could be summarized as a dynamic balance at all levels.
Why dynamic? Just imagine a scale in balance. This balance is always fragile, and it takes only a small movement or a slight gust of wind to tip one side of the scale, making it difficult to return to a stable state afterward. The human body works in a similar way. When we are off balance, we try to add "weight" to one side of the scale, sometimes too much, preventing us from achieving balance. We need to regularly reassess to maintain the balance achieved. This principle means that balance depends on a multitude of completely different factors, but in order for the body to function correctly and to achieve balance without jarring the scales, we must constantly add small elements that keep our balance scales in the right place. When the brain and body are in harmony, then we can talk about well-being.
This well-being will remain fragile and will also require maintenance. A body that is maintained through exercise, and a brain that can think and enable evolution as well as reflection.
Well-being is therefore not a matter of a moment, but of work. Feeling good for a moment because one forgets their worries and true well-being are two entirely different things.
It is very easy to take medication to put one's brain on pause and go to a spa, or to relax by getting a massage. We forget our worries for a moment, but does that put us in a state of well-being? Certainly not. Well-being does not mean that we are free of worries, bills, or challenges of all kinds. It means that we are capable of managing them without stress because we have a plan and are making progress in that plan. But it also means that our body is maintained and that we try to make it function at its best, to feel good in it.
There are several ways to feel good in one's body, to evolve it, to bring it to the image we would like it to have, and to accept one's body and feel good in it. The most difficult thing for many is often to accept their body as it is.
- Well-being is about balance, and thus nutrition must also reflect a certain balance.
- On the other hand, some feel comfortable in their skin with overweight, while others feel better when they are lean. Therefore, there is no ideal body for feeling good, but rather different images of the perfect body for each individual.
- Nevertheless, well-being is often associated with health. And health also means sleeping well, managing stress effectively, having good memory, concentration
- Sleeping well is important for feeling good. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to madness. It's never pleasant to lack energy and feel incapable of accomplishing daily tasks.
- While stress can prevent us from sleeping, other factors can also intervene. We can try to control them through activities such as relaxation or yoga, which help focus on well-being.
- It's also important to remember that recovery occurs during REM sleep, the dreaming phase. Thus, it's necessary to distinguish between the quantity of sleep and the quality of sleep. Both are important.
We can try to destress, but let's examine here the supplements that could help us sleep better.
Supplements for Better Sleep!
- Tryptophan is an amino acid that influences sleep quality. It plays a role in the production of serotonin, a natural antidepressant produced by the body, which is essential for the synthesis of melatonin. Taking a dose of tryptophan a little before bedtime can promote sleep quality.
- Magnesium and zinc also play an important role in the synthesis of serotonin. A magnesium deficiency can lead to cramps, depression, insomnia. Vitamin B is also essential in the production of serotonin.
- Having fatty fish for dinner, like sardines or mackerel, is a good way to promote sleep. Carbohydrates of all kinds are also conducive to falling asleep.
- Avoid stimulants like caffeine or tea, and of course alcohol which can help relax and fall asleep but also causes a rapid awakening due to the increase in adrenaline secretion, the blocking of tryptophan use, and the reduction in melatonin.
- Dried vegetables are rich in tryptophan and are therefore recommended. Too fatty foods are difficult to digest and should be avoided. On the other hand, dairy products allow for better utilization of tryptophan.
- Of course, it's not just one meal that can change our way of falling asleep or the quality of our sleep; our diet also needs to be balanced.
To Avoid.
- Do not go to bed too late, sleep between 7 and 8 hours per day. Do not oversleep to avoid feeling groggy.
- Stress is a disease of our time. We are given so much weight on our shoulders that many cannot manage the obligations of work, family, and children, the social pressure to be beautiful, fashionable, on top of information, and to have opinions on everything. It is essential to find a balance again and, of course, not to put too many obligations on oneself. Here again, relaxation, eutony, or yoga can play an essential role.
Diet and Stress Management: Key Elements.
- First of all, our body needs fatty acids. A good balance between omega 3 and omega 6 is essential. Omega 3s are particularly important in protecting the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves. They therefore play a role in the transmission of nerve impulses at this level. But they also help to decrease cortisol in the body. Cortisol is the stress hormone and a catabolic hormone, i.e., it plays a role in the degradation of tissues.
- Magnesium is involved in many chemical reactions in our body. Of course, its role in muscle contraction is already well known, but it is also a myorelaxant that plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses and therefore in stress management. Magnesium is found in cereal products, seafood, oilseeds, legumes, certain mineral waters, dark chocolate, and some fish.
- Vitamin C can also decrease cortisol secretion. It is found in fruits and vegetables such as peppers, chilies, blackcurrant, parsley, cruciferous vegetables (Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, broccoli), kiwis, strawberries, oranges, guava, papaya... Of course, avoid coffee and alcohol at all costs. They increase cortisol secretion, which decreases melatonin secretion and thus disrupts sleep, leading to even more stress.
- Nutrition can certainly help to not generate certain stressful situations, but the onset of stress is the way we approach life's difficulties. If every obstacle makes you turn back and stops you from moving forward, you will remain in a life without improvements and therefore with stress, because everything around you evolves and changes. If, on the other hand, you see each difficulty encountered as an opportunity to learn and improve, as a means to strengthen yourself in the face of life, to become stronger, you will gain confidence in yourself and obviously, trials will no longer scare you since you will know how to approach them.
- If for you, happiness is having, and your goal is to accumulate and obtain, each failure will be experienced as a slowdown relative to your goal and not as a means to strengthen and learn. It is often said that the journey towards the goal will bring you more than achieving the goal itself. The path leading to the day of a competition is full of pitfalls and obstacles. The day of the competition only lasts a few hours, even sometimes a few minutes for some sports. It is not the few minutes in the spotlight that will have forged a competitor, but all the months of preparation, all the sacrifices made, everything that did not go as planned, but that did not prevent the competitor from being present on the big day.
- First of all, acquiring this attitude will reduce your stress! Learning to control your heart rate can also reduce the stress you feel. Breathing slowly, deeply, and consistently and regularly will influence the heart rate and reduce the stress of the situation.
- Physical exercise, sports are very stress-relieving. Intense and prolonged physical exercise causes the body to produce endorphins, the "pleasure hormones." They provide an anti-anxiety, analgesic, and relaxing effect. Doing no physical exercise can quickly lead to having a fragile body susceptible to infections. Doing too much physical exercise can lead to overtraining and wear-and-tear injuries. Here again, balance is important.
- Following a set routine can also reduce anxiety. When you have a certain number of things to do in a day, knowing that you have forgotten some can increase stress. If everything is planned and noted, it helps to destress, knowing that you won't forget anything and don't have to worry. Your surroundings can also be one of the primary sources of stress. Arranging your surroundings and surrounding yourself with positive people who can push or help you achieve your goals is one less source of stress. On the contrary, an environment that diminishes you, does not allow you to believe in your capabilities, or expects much more from you than you can give will generate additional stress.
- There are many tips to help with relaxation: massages, music, napping, sports... But keep in mind that it is your inner attitude that can guarantee long-lasting well-being.
Anti-Stress Supplements.
Just like improving sleep, the supplements that help manage stress remain omega 3, vitamin C, and magnesium. Some plants, like Rhodiola, seem to have very positive effects on sleep quality, stress management, and even on regulating stress-related appetite.
- Having a fulfilling sex life can help many people feel good. Obviously, it's not a necessity, otherwise religious people would never experience well-being, but for many, it's a very important aspect of their well-being.
- Sexuality is not just the ability to engage in sexual activity; it's a much broader field. But it is difficult to cover here everything that makes for a fulfilling sex life. Let's focus here on the physiological aspects that can ensure everything functions correctly at the body level.
- Of course, everything is connected, good sexuality means managing one's anxiety. When one is stressed, it's hard to be focused on the matter at hand. Without sleep, one cannot manage a good sex life, and obviously a healthy diet will therefore help boost libido. Foods like industrial or refined products increase inflammation and estrogen, as opposed to a natural diet that boosts libido.
Supplements to Improve Sexuality.
- Certain substances can stimulate libido. Some come from ancient tradition, others have been proven by science. Maca is a plant found on the Andean plateaus. It is renowned in traditional Peruvian medicine for relieving sexual disorders, as well as anemia, joint pain. It can be found in QNT's Eroxa.
- Fenugreek has been used in Egypt for over 4000 years. In addition to its hypoglycemic and hypocholesterolemic actions, it is attributed anabolic and anti-cancer effects, and it is found in Testek.
- Tribulus terrestris is a tropical plant used in traditional Asian medicine, as well as in India. It is attributed tonic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, rejuvenating and strengthening properties. Zinc is also attributed stimulating properties in terms of libido. It maintains normal fertility and contributes to the maintenance of testosterone levels. These two elements are combined in Testek.
- Damiana is a plant recognized for its stimulating, aphrodisiac and relaxing virtues, as well as for relieving menopause symptoms such as hot flashes. QNT's Eroxa notably contains it. Also worth adding to this list are products that improve blood flow, which can help erections with blood supply, such as NO or AAKG.
- For women, an increase in testosterone can also increase desire. Nevertheless, female sexuality must be approached from several angles. Everyday fatigue and hormonal cycles also influence female sexuality. Tribulus terrestris, maca, and fenugreek have shown very good results in women who have tried them. These supplements have increased desire and lubrication, but also given them greater ease in reaching orgasm.
- Well-being is therefore very complex. The body must function correctly, and the brain must be at peace, to have restorative sleep and a fulfilling sex life. It goes without saying that everyone can improve each of these areas, in particular through physical, mental, nutritional work, but also with the help of some supplements.
Eating correctly and not eliminating well would be like wanting to have very clean water to wash your clothes but never wanting to clean the washing machine. The dirt ingrained in the machine would pollute the purity of the water put into it. For the body, it's the same thing. Eating well is pointless if toxins are not eliminated.
- The best element for eliminating toxins is water. Drinking 2 to 3 liters of water per day, depending on your size, is something important.
- Some foods, sometimes consumed as herbal tea, can have a detoxifying effect, such as milk thistle, artichoke, and black radish for the liver. Indeed, a large part of the toxins is eliminated by the liver. Therefore, when our liver struggles a bit, a little help can be beneficial. Lemon juice is also attributed a powerful detox effect.
- Certain fruits and vegetables also have a detox effect; cabbage, leek, beetroot, celery, watercress, pineapple, apple, lemon, grapefruit, red or black fruits...
- Having a detox effect mainly means having an antioxidant effect. The body undergoes regular "attacks" due to the pollution of the life we lead, and also physical exercises. It receives or produces heavy metals, waste unused by the body, and it must get rid of them to function correctly. The molecules known as "detox" will then combine with toxic elements to be eliminated through urine or the liver.
- A supplement in vitamins and minerals is an indispensable asset for eliminating all these wastes; vitamin C, A, and B can help the body to purify itself.
To Avoid.
- A poor diet can jeopardize your well-being if your body experiences injuries or illnesses.
Intermittent Fasting.
- Currently, intermittent fasting is a hot topic. Some people feel more dynamic and alert. However, it's essential to distinguish between the effects and sensations and address the muscular consequences. Not eating quickly puts the body into catabolism, leading it to eliminate anything that costs energy, starting with muscles. The question, therefore, for an athlete, is whether the muscles will take time to rebuild, whether the well-being derived from it compensates for this loss in the medium term, and whether the benefits are visible in the long run.
- Of course, it's essential not to overdo it. Balance is crucial here too. Fasting a little can provide pleasant sensations, but fasting too much can hinder your muscle growth. The golden rule that applies to everyone, regardless of the diet, is: "If you are satisfied with your results, if your measurements are good for you, then you are on the right track!"
To avoid.
- Do not fast for too long to avoid having the opposite effect of the desired goal and toxifying the blood.
The Coach's Advice.

The solution is a good BALANCE! We often hear, "Too much of a good thing is bad." Listen to what your body AND your mind need, not just your desires. Short-term pleasure often leads to long-term problems. A short-term problem solved results in long-term pleasure.
Yves Bondroit Coach for QNT.