A complete illustration of gastrocnemius stretching methods

The gastrocnemius is a muscle on the back of the calf, and its deepest part is the soleus muscle. At the same time, the gastrocnemius plays a very important role in standing upright and walking. As for how to stretch the gastrocnemius, there are actually many ways to stretch it. So, what are the methods to stretch the gastrocnemius muscle? Let’s take a look at the methods below!

Gastrocnemius Stretch

Method 1

Stand at arm's length from the wall and lean forward, placing your hands on the wall about shoulder-width apart. Stand with your feet in front of you, keeping your knees straight. Lean forward toward the wall from your hips until you feel a stretch in your lower calf.

Method 2

Stand on one leg with your right leg, and place your left leg behind your buttocks with your left hand bent. If you can't stand, you can choose to hold the wall with your other hand. After that, alternate the left and right legs.

Method 3

Sit on the floor with one leg bent at the knee so that the heel touches the inner thigh of the other leg. Press the outside of the other thigh and the calf of the bent leg toward the floor. Exhale, keep the outstretched leg straight, bend at the hips to grab the foot, and slowly invert the ankle joint (turn the ankle joint upward).

Method 4

Stand, spread your legs and step forward and backward at the same time, pressing your buttocks down. Place your hands on the ground, parallel to your shoulders, with your whole body in a bow-and-arrow posture, and hold for 5 seconds until you feel pain. Change sides and repeat, 10 times on each side. When pressing your legs, make sure your back legs are as straight as possible.

Method five

Lie flat on the bed, look directly at the ceiling, straighten your legs and keep your knees bent. Slowly lift your legs as close to your chest as possible, and repeat the action 15 times.

Method 6

Lie flat on your back, then hold your right leg with both hands, bend your right leg at 90 degrees, and press your left leg with your knee bent on your right leg. After that, the left and right legs were exchanged.

Method 7

Hold the railing, table or other support with a certain height with your right hand, lower backStraight up. Lift your left leg back, grab the ankle of your left foot with your left hand, and pull hard so that your calf is close to the back of your thigh. Straighten your right leg, stay for a few breaths, slowly lower your left leg, and then switch to the other side.

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