Intheprocessoffitness,weoftenusesomeequipmenttocom Continue readingWhat is the correct way to use the reverse pedal machine?
Exercise of the week - Burpee pull-up variation
ASSISTEDPULLUPSWinnipegpersonaltraining Continue readingExercise of the week - Burpee pull-up variation
Holiday Motivation Mojo!
Theholidayseasonishereandthatmeansindulgenceswithu Continue readingHoliday Motivation Mojo!
Static stretching: exercise the hamstring muscles
Staticstretching:exercisetheposteriorcalfmusclesPi Continue readingStatic stretching: exercise the hamstring muscles
For girls with thick calves
Forgirlswiththickcalves9actionstoslimdownyourcalve Continue readingFor girls with thick calves