Tip: This program is suitable for reference study by bodybuilding enthusiasts at intermediate level and above.
Week 1: Full Body Training Plan
Target muscles Action Number of sets Reps
Chest Dumbbell bench press 3 8, 10, 12
Back High Pulldown 3 8, 10, 12
Shoulders Overhead dumbbell press 3 8, 10, 12
Quadriceps Leg kicker 3 8, 10, 12
Biceps femoris Prone leg curl 3 8, 10, 12
Triceps Press down on the tensioner 3 8, 10, 12
Biceps Barbell curl 3 8, 10, 12
Calf muscle group Standing calf raise 3 8, 10, 12
Abdomen Supine crunch 3 15
Full body training
You'll start this program with a full-body workout, which may be different from many of our past programs. No matter youWhether you are a beginner or a trainer with some experience, you must do this. During this first week you will train three times, doing only one movement per muscle group per exercise. This means that after training on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you have four days of rest. This amount of training seems really small. But don’t worry, these are all preparations for the summit. You know, if you sprint as soon as you start climbing, you may be the last person to reach the top.
The movements we selected in the first week of training are all conventional and basic training movements. They are not only very suitable for the exercise needs of beginners, but also very suitable for advanced trainers. But when we choose movements, we try to choose free weight training movements and try not to use combined equipment for training. The reason is because you are going to go through a long training process and you have to learn how to use these unassisted weights at the beginning to let your muscles find the feeling. Therefore, we also give detailed steps and details for many actions.
In this week, perform three sets of each exercise, then the first set is 8 actions, the second set is 10 actions, and the third set is 12 actions. The overall rep range is 8-12 reps. This is also the rep range that has been proven by the sports training community to be the most effective in increasing muscle size and mass, and is often used by many athletes and enthusiasts.
Training Tips
Some tips during the training process, these details have a great impact on your training results.
>Chest high Back straight The best advice we can give you about any training technique is to keep your chest high and your back straight. There is no need for any doubt. Before you prepare to do any movement, you must think about the posture of keeping your chest up and your back straight. This will help you implement every planned movement safely. First of all, this can ensure your training safety to the greatest extent, because this posture allows you to have a good mechanical structure, allowing your whole body to participate in different body parts as needed. It's the same as in any other sport. A good posture can help you unleash your body's greater potential. Even in every movement of the combination of equipment exercises, you must maintain the awareness of keeping your chest high and your back straight.
>>Stretching Whether before or after training, the execution of stretching movements is very critical. Even the latest research results show that during training, static stretching training for newly stimulated muscle groups is very beneficial to muscle congestion and recovery growth. Therefore, we recommend that no matter which week you perform, you should stretch the muscle groups you want to stimulate today before and after training. When there are many muscle groups, choose one stretching action for each muscle group. When there are few muscle groups, choose 2-3 stretching actions for each muscle group.
Week 2: Four-day training mode
Monday/Thursday: Upper Body
Target muscle group Action Number of sets Reps
Chest Plate bench press 3 10,12,15
Dumbbell fly 3 10,12,15
Back Bent over rowing 3 10,12,15
High pull-down 3 10,12,15
Shoulders Overhead dumbbell press 3 10,12,15
Dumbbell lateral raise 3 10,12,15
Biceps Barbell curl 3 10,12,15
Instrument supported arm curl3 10,12,15
Triceps brachii Supine barbell arm extension 3 10,12,15
Tensioner pressing down 3 10,12,15
Tuesday/Friday: Lower limbs + abdomen
Target muscle group Action Number of sets Reps
Legs Leg kicker Leg kick 310,12,15
Sitting leg extension 3 10,12,15
Prone leg curl 3 10,12,15
Seated leg curl 3 10,12,15
Calf muscles Standing calf raise 3 15~20
Sitting calf raise 3 15~20
Abdomen Supine crunch 3 15
Four-day training
This week, instead of doing a full body workout, the full body workout will be split into two parts. You will train 4 times during the week. This includes two upper body workouts (Monday and Thursday) and two lower body workouts (Tuesday and Friday), so you're training each body part twice during the week. One day less time to rest.
Many of the actions you performed last week will be applied during this week. But each body part will be added with a training movement (except for the abdomen), so that you can train every muscle group of the body more comprehensively from more angles. For example, shoulder training includes two movements: one is the overhead press, a compound movement. This movement is also a multi-joint movement (shoulder joint and elbow joint), so it allows more muscle tissues to participate in the movement. Another action is the single-joint dumbbell lateral raise, which can stimulate the deltoid muscles in isolation, and this action can be said to be one of the trump cards of shoulder training. It can make your shoulders very good. Feel the feeling of muscle congestion and the process of stretching and shortening of the shoulder muscles.
You're still training using an inverted pyramid, but you'll be performing more reps per set. The rep range of 15 reps may not be within the optimal dimensional growth range, but such reps can increase your muscle endurance and lay a solid foundation for your future growth in muscle size and strength.
Training Tips
Some tips during the training process, these details have a great impact on your training results.
>Arc Your Bench Press Railtrace
The trajectory of the barbell during bench press is not straight up and down. When you use your chest muscles to push up the barbell, push the barbell up toward your head. Doing this will make a significant change in the bench press movement, which is very helpful for the growth of your chest strength and volume.
>Stay hydrated during training
The latest research shows that replenishing water at all times during training is very good for muscle congestion and systemic blood circulation. This is critical for the transport of protein and sugar, which means that replenishing water can make you more energetic and allow your muscles to recover faster.
Week 3: Six-day training format
Monday/Thursday: Push
Target muscle group Action Number of sets Reps
Chest Incline bench press 4 10,10,12,15
Dumbbell fly 4 10,10,12,15
Shoulders Overhead dumbbell press 4 10,10,12,15
Smith machine upright rowing 4 8,8,10,12
Triceps brachii Supine barbell arm extension 3 10,12,15
Lean over and bend and extend with one arm 3 10,12,15
Tuesday/Friday: Pull + Abdominal
Target muscle group Action Number of sets Reps
Back Bent over rowing 4 8,8,10,12
One-arm dumbbell row 4 8,8,10,12
Biceps Incline dumbbell curl 3 10,12,15
Instrument supported arm curl 3 10,12,15
Abdomen Lie on your back and raise your legs 3 15~20
Lie on your back and do abdominal crunches 3 15~20
Plan 3+6
Wednesday/Saturday: Legs
Target muscle group Action Number of sets Reps
Legs Barbell Squat 4 8,8,10,12
Romanian Deadlift 4 8,8,10,12
Seated leg curl 4 8,8,10,12
Calf muscles Standing calf raise 3 25
Seated calf raise 3 25
Six-day training mode
In the third week of practice, a total of 6 training sessions were performed. We call it a six-day training model: on days one and four we do all the pressing exercises (chest, shoulders, triceps). Perform all pulling movements (including back, biceps) on days two and five. Do leg exercises on days three and six. This training method that divides physical training into push and pull is also often used, because it allows you to better understand the movements and the different functions of different muscle groups in the body.
Each body part has a new movement designed to stimulate the body from different angles to ensure balanced and comprehensive development of the body. You'll hit every part of your body with two moves, each consisting of 3 to 4 sets: four for the big muscle groups (chest, back, shoulders, quads, biceps), and three Groups target smaller muscle groups (biceps, triceps, and calves). In the final week, each major muscle group gets 16 sets of training, while the small muscle groups get 12 sets. And the number range of movements is increased to 8~15 times.
Training TipsShow
Some tips during the training process, these details have a great impact on your training results.
>Squats are very effective
What we emphasize is the moment when you can't feel the barbell on your back, and at the same time, you instinctively push your body toward the ground instead of simply lifting the barbell. At this moment, your muscles and your consciousness will become one, rather than just persistence and reluctance. All you can do now is press hard toward the ground, and then imagine that the barbell is part of your back, not some foreign object. Once you're ready, you'll reap the benefits of this most effective muscle-building exercise.
>Weight and Reps
The choice of weight and reps is always a focus of discussion. Every movement is closely related to weight. So, the key is to choose an appropriate weight that allows you to reach failure after each set, at least close to failure is very important. If your goal is to increase muscle size, should I lock my training reps at 8 reps and choose a weight that reaches failure on the 8th rep? If our requirement is to complete 8 movements, then the quality of your movements in the first 7 movements must be very high, so you must ensure complete concentration. In the following time, you will learn the relationship between weight and exercise times. Only by grasping this relationship can you maximize your training efficiency. This is a long process of experience, but at least you must ensure your concentration. The experience of concentration and attentiveness.
Week 4: 4Day Training Mode
Monday: Chest/Triceps/Calves
Target muscle group Action Number of sets Reps
Chest Incline bench press 5 10
Dumbbell Fly 5 8,8,10,10,12
Dumbbell bench press 5 8,8,10,10,12
Triceps brachii Cable press 4 10,10,12,12
Bent-over dumbbell arm extension 3 10
Supine Barbell Dips 3 10
Calf Standing calf raise 3 25
Seated calf raise 3 25
Tuesday: Legs/Abs
Target muscle group Action Number of sets Reps
Legs Barbell Squat 5 10
Sitting leg extension 5 8,10,10,12,12
Seated leg curl 3 8,10, 12
Abdomen Supine leg raise 2 20
Supine crunch 2 20
Thursday: Shoulders/Calf
Target muscle group Action Number of sets Reps
Shoulders Overhead Dumbbell Press 4 12
Smith machine upright rowing 3 8, 10,12
Dumbbell lateral raise 3 10
Calf Standing calf raise 1010
Friday: Back/Biceps/Abs
Target muscle group Action Number of sets Reps
Back Bent over row 5 12
High pull-down 5 8,8,10,12,12
Biceps Barbell curl 4 10,10,12,12
Incline dumbbell curl 3 10
Instrument supported arm curl 3 10
Abdomen Supine crunch 3 20
A week at the top
In week four, the culmination of the program, you'll train each muscle group in your body once (except for calves and abs, twice) in a 4-day training pattern. The four-day training model is widely used by strength trainers because it allows you to train as few body muscle groups as possible (2 to 3 parts) in a single training session, which allows you to better stimulate the target muscle groups. , while increasing training volume. You will find that the chest is paired with the triceps, the back is paired with the biceps, and the quadriceps are paired with the biceps. This paired training method is very suitable not only for beginners, but also for professional bodybuilders. and effective. The shoulders can be added or subtracted more or less, and the calves and abdomen can be freely controlled according to your own physical level and physical conditions.
During this week, the range of reps is still locked in the range that is most conducive to muscle volume growth. However, the total amount of training is significantly increased by increasing the number of training sets: 5 movements for each large muscle group and 10 sets of heel raising exercises. After completing this four-week plan, you are about to enter the second half of training.
Later half of training
Week 5
You will follow the same training plan as in week four, but the difference is that you will reverse the rep arrangement and use the inverted pyramid training method. That is, perform 12 reps on the first set, then 10, then 8. Of course, the weight should also be gradually increased while the number of reps is reduced. For example, chest training plan:
Chest Incline bench press 5 10
Dumbbell Fly 5 12,10,10,8,8
Dumbbell bench press 5 12,10,10,8,8
Weeks 6, 7 and 8
The same training plan corresponds to the third, second and first weeks respectively. However, the order of training reps should also be reversed, from high reps to low reps, and the weight should also change from small to heavy.
Training Tips
Some tips during the training process, these details have a great impact on your training results.
>Focus on shoulder and knee jointsIf you ask 10 professional athletes whether they have had shoulder or knee injuries, most of them will definitely say that they have. I have experienced injuries in both areas. Therefore, for these two parts, a relatively serious warm-up and stretching training must be carried out before each training. Before carrying out weight-bearing training, allow more blood to flow into the relevant muscle groups, which can increase the local temperature and better allow the muscle groups to protect these two joints.
>Abs cannot be ignored Despite the advice you often hear in this regard, many people still ignore abdominal training. The reason is simple: you need abdominal strength to reduce the pressure in the abdominal cavity to protect the spine, especially during heavy lifting.Amount of strength training. If your abdomen is weak, the chance of injury is very high.