The most popular reality show "Running Brothers 2" was recently aired, and Deng Chao released his latest personal muscle photos. The perfect 6-pack abs are very enviable. Do you also want to have the same muscular body as Deng Chao? Let’s follow our plan to build it with Deng Chao’s body type.
The plan is to practice 5 times a week, focusing on core muscle group exercises. It is suitable for novices and can be practiced in cycles. If you don't go to the gym, you can use dumbbells in place of the barbell and cable movements in the program below.
Monday span>
Barbell bench press (10 reps/group, 5 groups in total)
Dumbbell fly (12 reps/group, 3 groups in total)
Narrow-grip bench press (15 reps/group, 3 groups in total)
Rope pull-up (10 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Cross chest clamp (10 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Seated dumbbell calf raises (10 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Pull-ups (15 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Underhand grip pulldown (12 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Seated rowing (10 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Pull-ups (15 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Incline plank supine (10 times/group, 4 groups in total)
Leg curls (6 to 10 times/group, 3 to 4 groups in total)
Aerobic exercise (20 minutes)
Dumbbell exercise (8 times/group, 5 groups in total)
Squats (10 reps/group, 5 groups in total)
Treadmill running (20 to 30 minutes)
Parallel bar arm extensions (10 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Incline press (12 reps/group, 3 groups in total)
Narrow-grip bench press (15 reps/group, 3 groups in total)
Squats (10 reps/group, 5 groups in total)
Seated rowing (10 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Barbell bench press (10 to 12 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Barbell curls (8 to 10 times/group, 4 groups in total)
Seated Barbell Press (15 reps/group, 3 groups in total)
Dumbbell press (15 reps/group, 3 groups in total)
Lateral raises (10 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Front raises (10 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Sit-ups (10 to 15 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Pull-ups (10 to 12 times/group, 3 groups in total)
Closed on Saturdays
Closed on Sunday
Proper rest and dietary adjustments can more effectively help training. In terms of diet, pay attention to supplementing more protein foods (what are the high-protein foods?). If you're on a loose budget, it's recommended to take a quick-absorbing whey protein powder after a workout to aid muscle synthesis. You can drink milk before going to bed to provide your muscles with protein supply at night.