How to Lose Elephant Legs Quickly Actions to Reduce Elephant Legs

For many people, the thickness of the legs is a focus of attention, because it represents their external image, especially girls, who want to have thin legs like celebrities. Some people have thick legs called elephant legs. So what do you think are the exercises to reduce the size of elephant legs? Let’s go take a look below!

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 Pressing foot against the wall

This action can stretch the calf At the base, let your calves relax. After facing the wall, place your heels on the ground, press your toes against the wall, and slowly push your body weight forward. You will obviously feel that the tendons and muscles on the back of your calves are stretched. Adding this movement to warm up or do exercises before and after exercise can reduce the formation of carrot legs. In addition, if there is no suitable wall, we can also lie flat and use elastic bands to help us stretch. The effect is equally great.

Stretch the front of the thigh

In the preparatory action, the right foot is in a one-legged kneeling position, and the left leg is pulled flat back and the instep is flat on the ground. Then, exhale and press down first, and after 30 seconds, fold your left foot up toward your buttocks, grab it with your left hand and stretch again. With this set of movements, you can feel the muscles on the front of your thighs being stretched and stretched.

Dynamic Glute Bridge

First let us lie flat naturally, with our legs and shoulders spread apart and our knees bent. Then, take a deep breath and lift your body "a little, a little", tighten your abdominal core muscles, and feel your buttocks push up. You will also feel your calves being stretched when doing this exercise. If you insist on doing this, you can tighten your waist, buttocks and abdomen.

 Roller Stretch

Roller massage can effectively help us relax tight muscles and loosen muscle legs! The method is also very simple. Use a yoga roller (or yoga mat strap instead) to roll and stretch the inner and outer sides of the thighs. This not only fully relaxes the leg muscles, but also sculpts the leg lines and makes the leg shape more beautiful.