Sometimes, training is about intensity, and the higher the intensity, the better. Appropriate intensity training may be able to achieve better fitness results. Mountaineering is a common exercise for abdominal training. Do you know how many groups of mountaineering it is appropriate to do in a day? Let’s go take a look together.
Number of sets per day
For those who are healthy, have no major joint problems and are not too old For example, do each movement of mountain running for 30 seconds, rest for 10 seconds between movements, and do 4 groups each time. If you have never done mountain running training, then you can choose 1-2 actions from the above 10 actions as your primary training. After you gradually become comfortable, perform all 10 movements together, do each movement for 30-40 seconds, rest for 10-20 seconds between movements, complete all 10 movements as a group, rest for 2 minutes, and repeat the cycle for 3- 5 sets. Training after training, strengthening again and again, progress again and again, mountain running again and again, constantly strengthening the strength of our waist and legs, making us move towards fitness masters step by step.
Movement teaching
1. Starting movement, just like push-ups, place the whole body weight on the palms and toes. And make sure your body is in a straight line.
2. When doing each movement, the back must be tightened during the process, and the waist and buttocks cannot be slumped. The core parts of the waist and abdomen must always be in a tight state.
3. Do one action for 20-30 seconds
4. Go as fast as possible while ensuring that the action is standardized
5. Between each action Rest for 10-20 seconds