Chest muscle training menu, cleavage is no longer a woman’s patent

Men should have cleavage too!

It has always been said that cleavage is a woman’s exclusive property, but I don’t think so. A clear chest slit is one of the criteria for a man’s perfect chest shape.

The chest muscle is the source of charm for men. It is also the muscle that many fitness enthusiasts care about most, and it is also the best muscle to exercise. However, many problems will occur during chest muscle exercise. , and insufficient seam of the pectoral muscles is one of them.

The chest is the most prominent part of the body outline and is a large muscle. Different training is needed to stimulate him from all angles. Some training movements tend to develop thickness, and some prefer the lower side of the pectoral muscles. Today I will introduce to you a set of pectoral muscle training menu that focuses on the middle seam of the pectoral muscles. Start practicing now!

The first movement: Do 4-5 sets of dumbbell flyes (incline or flat);

This is an ideal exercise to build a perfect chest shape. It not only fully stimulates the chest muscles, but alsoCan stretch the entire pectoralis major muscle. It can make the human body experience a strong stretching and contraction movement.

Action essentials: Lie on your back, with your hips, shoulders and back pressed against a bench, and your feet flat on the ground. Hold the dumbbell close to your chest with your palms facing each other, then lift the dumbbell upwards with your arms basically straight. Bend your elbows slightly and slowly lower the dumbbells to both sides. When you reach the lowest point, your upper arms and the bench are basically at the same level. Bend your elbows at about 90 degrees to fully stretch your chest muscles. Lower the dumbbell slowly while inhaling, don't rush. Raise the lower edge of the ribs to stretch the chest muscles as much as possible. When you reach the bottom, pause briefly, and then slowly drive the dumbbell back and upward to do a "flying bird" movement

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