How to Exercise the Soleus Muscle Effectively

The soleus muscle is an important muscle in our legs. The soleus muscle also plays a great role. There are many ways to exercise the soleus muscle. If you want to exercise the soleus muscle, some people still know how to exercise the soleus muscle. So, how to effectively exercise the soleus muscle? Let’s take a look below.

Calf lifting exercise

Frog squat exercise

1. Stand down on books, wooden boards, and barbell plates Or stand on tiptoes, hold on to a piece of furniture with your hands, and stretch your calves to the maximum extent.

2. Then lift the heel up as much as possible and maintain this position for 1 second before the heel lands on the ground.

3. Number of exercises: 20-25 times * 4 groups.

4. Notes

(1) The purpose of exercising calf muscles is to increase tension rather than strength, so it is best to perform long series of exercises (each series is repeated 20 to 25 times ).

(2) A good superset exercise starts with squats. When that fails, stand up and combine the exercise with upright stretches and donkey calf raises.

Bent-leg calf stretch

1. The posture is the same as the straight-leg calf stretch, but the back foot is forward and the toes are parallel to the heel of the front foot.

2. Bend your knees until your back leg feels comfortably stretched above the ankle.

3. Number of exercises: Maintain this stretch for 30 seconds, then repeat 2 times, for a total of 3 groups. Do it regularly every day. If you are really stiff, you can do it up to 3 times a day.

4. Note: Keep your arms straight.

Calf lifting exercise

1. Start the action: Sit on the machine, with only the forefoot of your foot on the high footrest, and the knee pad pressing down on the knee. Hold the handle for stability. Keep your toes pointed straight ahead. Release the safety brake.

2. Action process: Slowly lower your heels as much as possible. Press up and lift behind your feet as high as possible.

3. Number of exercises: 20 * 4 groups.

Bosu Ball Quick Turn

1. Exercise method: Stand on the side of Bosu Ball, step on the bulge of Bosu Ball with your inner leg, bend your knees and lift your heel into a lunge; push your outer leg on the ground, Quickly shift your body weight to your inner leg, lift your outer leg off the ground, and turn your body 180 degrees at the same time. ThenThe outside leg supports the ground and the center of gravity shifts to the outside leg. Repeat the above actions and return to the starting position.

2. Training times: 1 to 2 seconds to complete the action, 2 to 3 seconds to restore the action, 15 to 30 times per group, and 30 to 60 seconds of rest between groups.

3. Action essentials

(1) The smaller the range of movement, the lower the difficulty; the greater the range of movement, the greater the difficulty.

(2) Steady the position of your feet when trying to land.

(3) Avoid excessive muscle tension and relaxation.

(4) Tighten the abdominal muscles to help maintain the stability of the trunk and pelvis.

(5) Maintain normal spine posture when completing the action.